The Mesko Naturals Story

MESKO NATURALS came to life when Marina Mez and Inga Skoda met by a strike of undeniable destiny. Not only do both share their cultural German heritage, but also their lifelong passion for nutrition and wellness.

In her early 20s, Marina was diagnosed with extreme dermatitis. During these times, every part of her skin was irritated from severe rashes and redness, and the constant itchiness was unbearable. When symptoms were not manageable any more, Marina was hospitalized in a special skin clinic.

Marina learnt to cope with her hypersensitivity, and has managed to eliminate cortisone creams and medications for the past 25 years. She is convinced that everybody can influence their genetic expression through food and a tailored diet. She continues her ovo-vegetarian diet, rich in organic grains, vegetable and fruits. A big part of her daily health regime is Algomed Chlorella, the ultra-clean German Chlorella.

Inga grew up in a rural community, where growing your own organic food was second nature. Since her childhood, she has been interested in plant life and biological sciences. She studied Pharmaceutical Sciences, and developed a career in the natural product industry for the past 25 years with leading Canadian Natural Product Manufacturers. She was involved in the development, marketing and sales of top sellers in today’s industry, and also expanded the business into Europe and Asia.

Inga follows her ancestor’s motto, growing her own organic food during the season and supporting the community she lives in. She believes the ‘road less traveled’ is the more awesome one to take. Living green and lean are part of her personal commitments to healthy and youthful ageing.

Marina and Inga are excited about MESKO NATURALS, bringing fine organic foods, ultra-clean algae products and other innovative functional foods to the North American market.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at: or call us at 1-800-737-5193


Mesko Naturals German products